Crazy Weekend of Gift Making

Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 11:45 AM

So I have approximately 13 gifts to give. And this year, for some god forsaken reason, I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything, and that I was going to make everything. I have presents to make for (and I'm thinking out loud here):
  1. My mother
  2. My father,
  3. My sister
  4. My brother
  5. My
  6. four
  7. (count 'em
  8. four) roommates
  9. My friends Carly
  10. Lizzy
  11. and Laura... well as handmade cards for them and 4 more people. That brings our grand total of things to 26 items. Did I mention I have a cold? Did I also mention I haven't finished anything? Its going to be like college all over again. Yum.

PS. This means at least 11 posts next week with the results. Stay tuned!


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